Jamie Huss was recognized as our newest Core Code Ambassador in November! Jamie is a Controller on the Finance team and has been at Core Bank for five years. He was nominated by his peers and recognized as someone who has made a positive impact to the team while being the embodiment of our Recipe for Awesome.
A few notes about why Jamie was nominated:
“Jamie has spent a lot of time over the last six months getting controls in place for FDICIA. In the process, he’s worked collaboratively with many different departments including Loans, Deposit Operations, Mortgage, and People Resources. Through a very large and challenging undertaking, I have watched Jamie stay positive, focused, and nimble. The project does a great job exemplifying the characteristics Jamie has exuded over the years. His approach has set the bank up for success along with providing a good example of the values we hold.
Core Bank has a Recipe for Awesome with a variety of ingredients that team members model. People shared that Jamie is Collaborative, not only in his work with multiple departments, but also in working with many vendors. He is Curious in understanding the processes of other departments and how to best get the job done. He has also been Nimble in his approach to finding solutions that work for all.
Jamie, thank you for all you do to help make Core Bank a great place to bank, and a great place to work!
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