There are a variety of reasons your debit or credit card may not process a transaction. In many cases, our systems are picking up transactions that seem suspicious and are potentially caused when you travel. Call-ahead Travel Notes can help you avoid the confusion of blocked transactions making access to your money more convenient and secure.
How can you help?
Contact us one of two ways before you leave and place travel notes on your account. Our team is available Monday thru Friday from 8 am – 5 pm (cst).
1) Call your personal banker or customer care center at (888) 372-9788
2) Visit your local branch during the regular operating hours
Helpful Tips:
When you place your request for travel notes be sure to request your cell phone be updated. Confirming your cell phone will allow us to text you Suspicious Activity Alerts¹ should potential fraud be detected on your
The mobile app¹ is also a great way to track your balance(s) while on the go. Use the links below to download our mobile app if you have a compatible device.